h o m e
"h o m e" is a videoinstalation that took place in the building that its nowadays where my family's house was build over 30 years. One of the oldest houses from old Bogota back in the 60s'.Back in those days the neighborhood where they use to live looked more like a countryside in which they had so much space in between the houses, it was close to the city but far enough to be quiet. With the years the need of building more houses for people in Bogota was increasing at the point in which they started building buildings instead of houses. Bogota's overpopulation has generated a gentrification process in which so many old houses and families have to move to leave place for the modern and cold architecture of new buildings. In this process construction companies have put a lot of pressure into people to displace so they can build and earn money. This gentrification process is still ongoing and increasing overpopulation, gentrification and displacement.
The videoinstalation happened a couple of days in which people could walk by and see how the old space of my family's memory starts occupying a space which doesn't belong to them anymore. In this buildings parkplace pictures of the house are screened where those spaces belonged respectively. Also is the last video my family made all together to say goodbye to the house in which they build memories for 36 years.
Videoinstalación en edificio Cra 114 # 10, Bogotá.
Videoregistro exhibido en Bogotá, en colaboración con NC- arte